Fashion is undoubtedly one of the many things we can learn from our elders. These folks have witnessed lots of trends and fashion changes throughout their lives, and they certainly know what’s going on when it comes to developing a personal style or deciding which clothing is worth investing in. Here are some fashion tips that an older person would give to someone in their early twenties.
Always look presentable
Whether you like it or not, there will be many times in your life when others will form an opinion of you based on what you’re wearing and how you look. It may be a date, a job interview, or a dinner with your partner’s family, and you won’t have a second chance to create a good first impression, so make it count. Keep in mind that nice clothing open all doors, therefore keep your appearance up to date at all times.
Invest in fabrics
Purchasing synthetic clothing made of low-quality fabrics has to be one of the most expensive things a person in their twenties could do. Of course, synthetic materials have a place in your wardrobe, but only for outwear and sportswear, not for sweaters, t-shirts, trousers, or, God forbid, undergarments. Invest in high-quality, natural fabrics because they will last longer, look better, and help you save money. Denim jeans, cotton t-shirts, blouses, tops, and wool pullovers will all improve your appearance and build a better wardrobe.
Basics before trends
When it comes to worthwhile investments, staple clothing is one of the things to splurge on. The seniors have seen every style you can think of in their lifetime: flared pants, padded shoulders, swimwear which now looks like something you might wear on a regular day. With various fashion trends coming and going, it’s important to know what to buy to look good no matter the season: a classic jumper, such as an Irish cable knit sweater, a little black dress, straight jeans, a two-piece suit, and a leather jacket will all last you a long time. You can buy them in stores, thrift shops, or online, for example, you can find the Irish sweaters at https://www.tarairishclothing.com/, just make sure that the clothes that you’re getting are made of high-quality fabrics.
Comfort over fashion
One of the most essential bits of advice you can get from someone in their late 60s would be to never prioritize style over your own comfort. If you’re a woman, instead of wearing high heels, wear your regular shoes or sandals when the circumstances allow; when you’ll get older, your feet will thank you. If you’re a man, stop wearing your uncomfortable synthetic button-ups or a suit that’s two sizes smaller only to seem fitter; instead, invest in some clothing that fits you perfectly and enjoy it.
Fix, don’t toss
The younger generation’s focus on over-consumption and shopaholism, which produces a lot of trash and causes perfectly good clothing, shoes, and accessories to go to waste, is a major concern. If you have a favorite garment that has been ripped, lost a button, or has stains on it, instead of tossing it away, consider fixing it. If you’ve tried but failed, look into ways to recycle the fabric it’s made of in order to reduce your carbon footprint and to give your garments a new life.
Inspire, don’t copy
There’s nothing wrong with getting outfit ideas from other people, but don’t try and copy exactly what they’re wearing. To begin with, you’ll most likely have different body types, heights, and overall appearances, so the things they’re wearing will not look the same on you. Second, if all you do is try to be a copycat, you’ll never find your style or authenticity. Be more creative with your looks, figure out what looks well on you and what doesn’t, and develop your fashion sense.